
Results of College Exam 2014 (Council Meeting 17 September 2014)

Fellowship Assessment:

Exam No. Result
AN14302 Fail
AN14304 Fail
AN14306 Fail
AN14307 Fail
AN14308 Pass
AN14309 Pass
AN14311 Pass
AN14313 Pass
AN14315 Pass
E14211 Fail
E14212 Pass
E14214 Fail
E14215 Pass
E14216 Fail


Membership Examination:

Exam No. Result
AN14310 Fail
AN14312 Fail
E14104 Pass
E14105 Pass
E14106 Pass


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College Newsletter Volume 23, Issue 1, May 2014

College Newsletter Volume 23, Issue 1, May 2014

The 23:1 edition of College Newsletter is now ready: newsletter 23:1

Index of this issue:

  • Message from the President
  • The 22nd Annual General Meeting 2013 and the 22nd T.B. Teoh Foundation Lecture
  • Membership Lists of Council, Committees and Boards 2014-2015
  • The 9th Trainee Presentation Session
  • Topical Update: Thyroid Dyshormonogenesis
  • College Takes the Lead in Public Issues
  • Out of the Whitecoat: Bridge
  • Fellows¡¦ Laurels
  • Announcement from the Education Committee
  • Announcement from the Training and Examinations Committee
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